Taking Responsibility
That is going to be the theme this week! I am a bit of an excuse maker, well have been. I’m putting those days behind me and breaking the bad habit. Now I’m going to take responsibility.
It always was super easy to just quickly come up with an excuse of why I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to do. It made me feel better at the time. It felt justified in my mind so I was off the hook if you will.
But what I’ve come to realize, is that with each excuse I’m actually hurting myself in the long run. How can I move forward if I don’t take responsibility for what the REAL reason is for whatever I’ve made an excuse about. It’s really like lying to myself. Dang I don’t like when anyone else lies to me, why have I been ok with me lying to me? Crazy when I think of it that way.
Being reflective and taking responsibility will give me the opportunity to make the necessary changes so I don’t have to deal with the issue anymore. Man that sounds nice! Taking responsibility can eliminate my struggles. That sounds really blissful actually. Maybe I should list my struggles, that responsibility for them, and be DONE! I’m liking this!
Let me think of what some of my daily struggles are . . .
~ Being late for work, daily
~ My children not listening
~ Seeming to not have enough time to get done what I need or want
~ Feeling guilty about not being with my kids enough
I really think those are the big ones. Let me look and see if I can take responsibility for them . . . .
YEP! I sure can! I can do something to change every single one of them! All I have to do so make some tweaks in my life and I really think I can eliminate all those struggles. WOW! I’ve dealt with these issues for a long time and it kinda stinks to think I’m the one causing myself the pain. But, the past is the past and it does NOT equal the future. So tomorrow is a new day with a new plan!
I’m going to report next week on how I’m doing. I really am ready to put these struggles behind me so I am freer to enjoy life. I can do it! I will take responsibility for my own life! And now I’m accountable to you too!
First step, is going to be to print out my list and make my plan of what I need to tweak to make a difference. If I just walk away from this now, I’m pretty guaranteed to forget and next week will have not made a darn change in my life or future.
Here’s to taking responsibility!
Breeta Garland
Shaklee Business Leader
Ready to LIVE the DREAM?
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