Monday, May 6, 2013



I fell off the focus wagon! Just like that, I thought I was cruising along safely and BAM! I hit a bump and fell right off! It happened so darn fast, I think I’m still in shock!

I was doing so well too. Staying focused on my goals, reviewing them daily and getting closer to their accomplishment. I felt in control of my life and it felt GREAT! I had amazing confidence and a wonderful positive focus and energy. I had great belief in my future and how I was making a difference in the lives of others. But then I was reminded of how precious our mental strength is. That it fades just like our body muscles do when we stop exercising.

I’ve been down that road before too. I eat healthy and workout and then just stop and before I know it all my hard work and effort has faded away. I do now realize that health is not a destination but rather an ongoing lifestyle of daily choices.

I’m now realizing more than ever, that my own mental conditioning is the same way. I did not achieve control over my life and all I was doing, but rather what I was doing was giving me the upper hand. And that advantage was based on the choices that I made daily which all worked together to give me the results I desired. It almost seems so clear now looking back. I made one bad choice which made it easier to make another bad choice. It doesn’t seem to take long at all before those bad choices are no longer choices, but rather habits. It was through those quickly formed habits that I lost my focus. I lost what I was working towards and the priorities of my actions. Man, once you lose the priorities of your actions, you lose control over your dreams. And once you lose your dreams, you feel lost. Feeling lost quickly makes you feel hopeless. And BAM just like that I’m a pile of emotional mush!

I’m so disappointed with myself which I find just leads to more emotional gooshiness. I’ve listened to enough CDs and read enough books that I know what to tell myself to get out of my funk and I know that I have to bounce back, because that is the real test of success and character. But dang, I just still can’t believe how quick things can slip away from your clutches. One moment you are on top of life, and the next life is on top of you laughing.

I will rally! And just from writing this blog I already have renewed clarity that I didn’t have 20 minutes ago. I need to learn my lesson on the fragility of mental strength just like that of my body muscle strength. I have an easy plan that keeps me healthy and strong physically and I feel better than ever. Now, to put together a mental health plan to also keep my mind strong. Through that plan I have to take control over my time. I have more on my plate than I have had in a long time and it is through this over flowing plate that I have slipped and slopped life all over me. I need a plan to prioritize and rework some things to make this come together without sacrificing the pursuit of my goals. I need to get creative and disciplined. This is the time for serious focus and determination. I think I need to stop blaming myself and provide a little forgiveness. What we learn in life makes us stronger. I will measure a lot of knowledge out of this experience and move on with great strength!

Breeta Garland
Shaklee Business Leader
Ready to LIVE the DREAM?

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Staying true to YOU

Man! Staying true to what you believe when surrounded by conflicting thoughts can be really tough! That was something I struggled with in high school. I’m not proud to say that I lost myself and my beliefs for a couple of years, yes YEARS. Yikes! Not some of my proudest moments. But moments I do treasure for the lessons I learned. And since I had a great opportunity for practice this weekend, I’m glad I learned what I did and could put it to good use. I’m proud to say in the end, all worked out great but it was a little rocky for a moment.

For those of you who don’t know, I represent a company and product line that is designed to help support people in taking control over their lives. Control over their weight, their energy, their health, their income, and their time. It’s a complete package deal, everything to help support someone ready in making a shift in their life. It’s a program and company I believe whole heartedly in. A life style that has given me a whole new level of health that I only dreamed of for many years. A program that supports a life style that I believe can make a difference for the millions of Americans struggling with weight issues and their children. I believe by spreading the word that I can make a difference in our society as a whole. That if I can help get people healthier, I wont have to attend another funeral of 31 year old who has died of a heart attack so young in life that he wont get to meet his unborn baby. I know it’s a big dream, but I do believe it to my core. That is why I was so surprised I struggled when surrounded by adversity.

Here’s the scoop. I had the opportunity to do a booth at a mom’s sale for three days. I was one of many vendors ranging from a massage place to jewelry. One of the vendors had a product that you wrap around your body to shrink your fat cells for a short duration of time, like only days.  And then there was ME. Trying to help spread the word on how some easy lifestyle changes can make a huge difference in your health. It seems so clear to me, lifestyle shift for long term lasting results beats quick fix with no lasting results. Right? But NO!

I was so surprised how many people do not seem to care about their overall health, they just want their outside package of their body to look better for a little while with a quick no effort fix. I totally get body image issues! I’ve had them for a LONG time! But what’s the point of a change if at the stroke of midnight, you turn back into a pumpkin? Maybe just to have a short moment of joy?

I know this quick fix mentality is the mentality of, I would guess, the majority of Americans. So being in that situation, it made me question by belief. Should I jump ship and go with the masses? Bail on what I believe, for a greater wide range of approval?

Then I thought of some of the great people of our history. Martin Luther King, Jr. did not go with the masses. The Wright brothers did not sway to the belief of the masses. Dr. Shaklee, the founder of our company, did not follow in the footsteps of the masses. They ALL stuck to their beliefs, through thick and thin no matter what others thought. And through following their beliefs, they made great changes in our society.

So I asked myself, If I bail now, who will I not help gain the same amazing level of health that my family and I get to experience every day? Whose life will end earlier than expected? How will bailing on my vision and dream affect my overall mental health?

I really don’t know the answers to the questions, but I know staying true to my belief is the RIGHT thing to do. And I WILL! It might be less crowded where I stand, but we will stand strong and mighty. Lessons in life repeat until we learn them and apply them. I’m thinking this can be a lesson of completion for me. Hooray!!

What lesson will tomorrow bring?


Breeta Garland
Shaklee Business Leader
Ready to LIVE the DREAM?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

If at first you do not succeed, try, try again . . .

Another great saying that has resulted in some amazing discoveries and inventions. For me, its going to be to keep going on my goal even though I missed it by a LONG shot!

For those of you who are keeping record, yes, I missed writing my blog last week. Not only did I not squeeze in writing it, but I didn’t get any of the sleep I wanted, if fact I got less than the week before.  Best laid plan not quite achieved, this week. But I’m not giving up. There is always a learning curve and I’m just riding the wave.

I’ve gotten a BIG lesson in the value of life and time this week. A friend of mine who just celebrated her first wedding anniversary with her husband and is finishing the plans of preparation for their first child, a son, also just buried her husband yesterday. He was 31 and suddenly died. She is due next month and is now a single mom. That was NOT in her plans at all.

I’m still just so shocked on how life can change dramatically in a blink of an eye. The things that seem so huge and daunting fade into no big deal with a little dose of perspective. I’ve gotten a lot of dosages of perspective this year and I’m going to keep them fresh and create some benefit out of them.

So how does this all link back to not succeeding and trying again? Well for me, I’ve realized I can do my best daily with my plans but there are some things that I have to put high on the list. I didn’t get a fraction of the things done this weekend that I ‘wanted’ to get done or felt like I ‘needed’ to get done. But I did get to spend some amazing time with my family and at the end of the day, that is what is MOST important to me. I can try again tomorrow to get things done and try again tomorrow to get more sleep, but I may not have tomorrow to try again to spend time with my family and that would be devastating. I’m going to keep on plugging away at my goals and not let a little life get in the way of reaching them. Cuz dang’it, life is SHORT and I have to make the most of each moment I have cuz you never know when it will be your last.

Tomorrow, I will try again . . .


Breeta Garland
Shaklee Business Leader
Ready to LIVE the DREAM?

Monday, February 18, 2013

Early bird gets the worm

A cleaver old saying meaning the one who gets up early and gets to it, gets more benefits than those still sleeping. This is what I applied to my life this week, minus the worm; although, I did randomly see a large one this week.

Last week I had the realization that I needed to take some serious responsibility for the things in my life that I could control and make some changes with. When I looked at all the things on my list and reflected on what I could do, the same thing came up for all of them. Crazy! (I love how writing things down and reflecting opens a window of clarity that seems to just magically appear.) I was so surprised to realize that if I got up way earlier than I typically do, that I could make some serious changes in my life.

I use to get up at about 6 am when my kids woke up. I would start my day with my workout and then get ready at the same time my kids would be getting ready and eating breakfast. My husband is home in the morning, so he would assist the kids while I did all I needed to do. This approach to our morning was rushed, crazy, and resulted in me leaving for work feeling like a bad mom. It really was not good for anyone.

So I realized, if I was all ready when my kids got up in the morning, that I could spend more time with them and be available to help them be successful in the morning. I even decided to get up a little earlier so I could get some work done when my brain is nice and fresh in the morning. So that is what I did! I got up at 4 am and had some awesome successful mornings. All was peachy, but then my kids decided to get up at 5 instead of 6, I can’t quite figure out why. That put a little bit of a wrench in the plan. We still did way better, I just didn’t get the work done I wanted to do.

This week, I’m putting the same plan into action. However, I have to make a tweak. I have to get to bed earlier. I was trying to get so much done that I went to bed late and got up early and was running on empty. I have to maintain the plan, so sleep has to be on the list to achieve as well. I’m really learning more about balance and moderation, so I know I can do it. As time goes on, I will get better at getting things done faster and stream line all that I can. I’m making the most out of early minute. Speaking of which, its time for me to go to bed.

Till next week . . .

Go get your worm!

Breeta Garland
Shaklee Business Leader
Ready to LIVE the DREAM?